impressum 02

Publisher Information

Responsible for the content:

INTERTEX Maschinenbau GmbH
Eitswiesenstr. 5-7
D-73092 Heiningen

Tel. +49 7161 98405 0
Fax +49 7161 98405 50

Represented by the Managing Directors: Dr. Andreas Hölscher, Dr. Thomas Kießling and Frank Hornberger
Commercial Register of the District Court of Cologne (Amtsgericht), No. HRB 86297
VAT ID Number: DE 355246809

Copyright 2025 INTERTEX. All rights reserved. All texts, photos, images and audio, video and animation files and their arrangement are subject to copyright and other laws protecting intellectual property rights. They may not be used for commercial purposes, copied for forwarding or be used in an edited form on other websites.


Unless otherwise stated, all brands named on the INTERTEX website are legally protected INTERTEX trademarks, including all model names and all company logos and emblems.


Any information provided by INTERTEX is provided with no guarantee or warranty whatsoever, be this expressly or implicitly. Any implicit guarantees regarding saleability, fitness for specific purposes or compliance with laws and patents are excluded. Although we assume that the information we provide is correct, it may, however, nevertheless contain errors or be imprecise.

Price lists

Please consult our current price lists. We will be pleased to provide them as PDF files.

Use digital whistleblowing portal

Go to whistleblowing portal

If you would like to use our digital whistleblowing portal, click on the button shown above. This will redirect you to an external page. We would like to point out that this website complies with all data protection regulations iSd DSGVO and that the cookies and external services on it are used exclusively for the purpose of technical requirements and are necessary for these. In particular, these are responsible for the essential functionality as well as for the security of the website. All personal data transmitted by visiting the website, in particular the IP address, will not be used by us in any way to determine the person behind it based on this additional information. Furthermore, all resulting information is irrevocably deleted in accordance with legal requirements. This data is also irretrievably deleted after the session has expired. This ensures the possibility of anonymous reporting in any case. For more information, please refer to the portal's privacy policy.